Upgrade Education!
|Summer Project-Based Learning & Admissions
第307分享会: 暑期运用项目式学习增加名校录取胜算
欢迎您加入我们讨论这次的主讲内容: (1) 什么是项目式学习?(2) 项目式学习的特点和优势、(3) 项目式学习案例分析、(4) 暑期项目式学习课程介绍
2022年2月12日 GMT-8 17:00
Summer Project-Based Learning & Admissions
主讲内容:什么是项目式学习? 项目式学习的特点和优势、项目式学习案例分析、暑期项目式学习课程介绍
分享嘉宾 (Carlina J): 美国圣母大学(UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME)应用数学本科、美国南加州大学(USC) 公共政策硕土
分享嘉宾 (Fan W): 英国南安普顿大学(UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON), 人力资源管理硕士、美国洛约拉马丽蒙特大学(LMU),工商管理硕士、 在教育与咨询行业有六年丰富经验
Topic: Improving Admissions to Prestigious School through Summer Project-Based Learning
Main Contents: What is project-based learning? Features and benefits of project-based learning, Project-based learning case studies & Introducing summer project-based learning courses
Co-Host 1 (Carlina J): Bachelor of Applied Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, Master of Public Policy at the University of Southern California (USC)
Co-Host 2 (Fan W): Master of Human Resource Management, University of Southampton, MBA, Loyola Marymount Universit, Six years of experience in the education and consulting industry