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Moonshot Book Club - PLCS Group

Public·55 PLCS Collaborators

Ogalinau Izajcevb
Ogalinau Izajcevb

Compositing Lunar Environment In After Effects Cs6 And Maya ((INSTALL))

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In this tutorial we'll be covering the entire pipeline of compositing live action footage into a lunar environment. Keying and compositing will be done inside of Adobe After Effects, matchmoving in PFTrack 2011 with the recent node based workflow, texturing in Photoshop, and all 3D processes done in Autodesk Maya using mental ray. By the end of this training, you'll have the knowledge to take live action, green screen footage and composite it into a realistic 3D environment with a re-animated matchmoved camera. 1e1e36bf2d


PLCS stands for... P arents + L earners + C oaches + S up...

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