FSX Steam Edition: Moving Map Add-On Torrent Download [UPDATED] [License]
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FSX Steam Edition: Moving Map Add-On Torrent Download [UPDATED] [License]
Through the years of development, there have been several add-ons released, with the latest adding a prototype feature not previously seen. This prototype feature allows the sky to be virtually covered in clouds, with the dark outlines of clouds themselves becoming visible.
Here is a discussion thread that was held on the FSX.5 forums on October 30th, 2003. The thread was started by the moderator of the FSX.5 forums, Mcluster in the thread titled "Moving Map add-on - thread in the forum". We've preserved the whole thing, including the replies by a few of the participants, for your convenience. Here is a link to the thread: http://www.fsx.org/forums/viewtopic.phpt=28872
We're very happy to announce the release of the FSX Steam Edition: Moving Map Add-On for FSX. It's been designed with all the players' convenience in mind. The map is close to maximum size (9.2 GB) to fit on all disks without using the partitioning feature of your HDD.
Mavine has put in a lot of work on this, and in the end, he has done a very good job. It is customisable, you can display things on different scales and shapes, with adjustable colours and transparency levels, and it's very easy to install. The add-on must be installed as a standalone from the file downloaded on either the FSX or the FSX Steam Edition discs.
FSX Steam Edition: Moving Map Add-On is available for US$ 15.00. For all of these add-ons, you do not need to buy them again, because they are available in both FSX and FSX SE discs, which means you do not have to repurchase them. Your add-on is completely free, because it can be downloaded from the FSX Discs or the FSX Steam Edition Discs. 3d9ccd7d82