Upgrade Education!
点播视频课程 (5% 折扣特别优惠)
有了孩子之后,你就成为了父母。但遗憾的是,当了父母之后,你可能无法有效地抚养孩子。换句话说,每个人第一次当父母时都没有经验或经验很少。然而,当你有经验的时候,你的孩子已经长大了。在孩子成长的过程中,父母需要专业的指导来抚养孩子。 TRICK育儿视频课程(Parenting with TRICK On-Demand Video Course)是所有类型父母的明智选择。TRICK育儿方法由美国著名教育家,美国教育部顾问、Harmony Plus 教务长 兼联席CEOEsther Wojcicki(博士)做的。她是 Google for Education 创始顾问。她被称为“硅谷的教母”。她不仅是一位成功的老师,而且还养育了三个优秀的女儿。四十年来,Esther 在帕洛阿尔托高中任教,这是加州湾区的一所顶级公立高中,在那里她开发了美国最大的媒体项目。她的许多学生已经成为世界范围内的行业影响者。本视频系列中看到的 TRICK 育儿方法,以点播视频系列的形式,总结了 Esther 的终身教育经验。它包括深入简出的讲解,预先录制的讲座内容以及实时在线答疑环节。
总时长:6 小时 + 4 小时奖励内容
制作: Harmony Plus, Inc.
- 埃丝特·沃西基
Parenting in our digital age is a brave new frontier, fraught for both parents and children. But as Esther Wojcicki—beloved teacher, parent, and writer whose work I’ve long admired—shows, modern parenting can be a joy instead of a constant struggle. Esther Wojcicki is leading a revolution not only in how we prepare our children to succeed, but how we nurture the health and well-being of parents across the world. How to Raise Successful People shows us how to be our best so our children can be their best.
Arianna Huffington
(Founder of Thive Global and Huffington Post)
“As a teacher, Esther Wojcicki was brave enough to challenge conventional teaching, understanding that students need to be active participants in their own learning. As a parent, she innately understood how to foster responsibility, self-reliance, and fearless creativity in her daughters. Esther’s mix of practical wisdom and inspiration will be a prized resource for anyone raising the next generation to live with purpose and unlimited potential.”
Laurene Powell Jobs
(Founder of Emerson Collective)
“Every industry is clamoring for more innovators, more creative leaders who can solve problems with intelligence and a strong sense of social responsibility. Esther Wojcicki knows exactly how to instill these values in our children. We need her insights now more than ever.”
Marc Benioff
(CEO of Salesforce, Bestselling author of Behind the Cloud)
“The best book I’ve read in the past year is How to Raise Successful People by Esther Wojcicki,” Edo told the publication this week. “There is nothing more important than raising and educating our kids and doing it well and she achieved this using the word TRICK.”
Princess Beatrice
(British Royal Family)
Esther 将五项原则总结为这个易于记忆的首字母缩写词,因此诞生了 TRICK 育儿方法。 它旨在帮助父母改善亲子关系,让孩子更加独立,并确保他们拥有更光明的未来。 21世纪,社会需要具有勇气、创造力、独立思考能力、协作能力的人才,以及能够快速适应变化的个人。 TRICK教育方式完美契合了这一变化,引领了教育改革的方向。 此外,Esther 本人通过在自己的家庭和课堂上实践 TRICK 育儿方法,通过培养优秀的孩子来测试和证明这种方法。 她告诉每个人实践这些铺平成功之路的简单价值观。 这种组合产生了极好的结果。 遵循TRICK教养法,父母可以快速培养快乐成功的孩子,为未来的世界做出贡献。课程内容由 Harmony Plus 首席执行官 Bill Zhao 和 Harmony Plus 联合首席执行官 Esther Wojcicki 以独特的中英文结合方式提供。
Bill Zhao 和 Esther Wojcicki
惠己及人,家长在学习和实践TRICK教养法的过程中实现自我成长, 并让孩子和家庭感受到积极的改变。
学以致用,实操性强, 给与家长切实有效的育儿指导。
与时俱进,既解决家长们当下的问题, 又启发他们对孩子未来发展的思考。