Upgrade Education!
如何帮助11年级学生备战申请季 (第302全球分享会)
Sat, Jan 08
|Grade 11 Prep Tips for Univ. Apps (#302)
伴随2022的钟声11年级学生的申请年已经到来。大学申请竞争激烈, 申请季里的孩子和家庭将面临各种压力,如何尽早安排,迎接挑战?Harmony Plus特别邀请专业心理咨询师, 培养两位孩子进入哈佛大学的Ms. Ruby L 和资深升学顾问Ms. Cathy H为大家带来专题讲座《如何帮助11年级学生备战申请季》视点独特, 内容精彩,不要错过!

Time & Location
Jan 08, 2022, 5:00 PM PST
Grade 11 Prep Tips for Univ. Apps (#302)
主讲内容:(一) 申请年最关键的几件事; (二) 了解大学招生录取权重; (三) 申请季做好亲子沟通的重要性; (四) 给家有申请季孩子父母的几点建议
Key Takeaways: (1) The most critical things in the application year; (2) Understand the weight of college admissions; (3) The importance of good parent-child communication during the application season; (4) Some suggestions for parents with children in the application season
Co-Hosts / 主讲人: Ruby Luo (Founder of Aiwei, Mother of Harvard Student & Instructor); Cathy Han (Harmony Plus Senior Bilingual Consultant)
English Blurp: With the bell bring in 2022, the application year for Grade 11 students has arrived. The competition for university applications is fierce. During the application season, children and families will face various kinds of pressure. So how to make arrangements as early as possible to meet these challenges? Harmony Plus has specially invited professional psychological counselors to train two children to enter Harvard University, Ms. Ruby L and Harmony Plus Senior Bilingual Consultant Ms. Cathy H, to bring you a special lecture titled "Grade 11 Prep Tips for University Apps" with a unique perspective and wonderful content, do not miss it!