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Sat, Mar 19


Harmony Plus Online LMS

Webinar #312: 硅谷少年创业者是如何炼成的?(How to Become A Young Entrepreneur in Silicon Valley)

FEC Free Trial!

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Webinar #312: 硅谷少年创业者是如何炼成的?(How to Become A Young Entrepreneur in Silicon Valley)
Webinar #312: 硅谷少年创业者是如何炼成的?(How to Become A Young Entrepreneur in Silicon Valley)

Time & Location

Mar 19, 2022, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM PDT

Harmony Plus Online LMS



题目:第312全球分享会: 硅谷少年创业者是如何炼成的?

分享嘉宾: Massi

提纲:(1) 创新与创业对青少年的帮助; (2) 硅谷创业的必备技能; (3) 商业社团及商业大赛介绍; (4) 初/高中生参加硅谷青少年创业营 (FEC) 的收获

Topic: Worldwide Webinar #312: How to Become A Young Entrepreneur in Silicon Valley (Free FEC Trial)

Guest Speaker: Massi

Outline: (1) How Innovation and Entrepreneurship Helps Teenagers, (2) Essential Skills for Silicon Valley Startups, (3) Introduction to business associations and business competitions, (4) The benefits of junior/high school students participating in Future Entrepreneurship Challenge (FEC) program

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