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Autocad 2009 Keygen X-force Internal Error 2
Andy Williams' extensive discography began with the release of the 1948 single "Jubilee" as a member of the Williams Brothers alongside Kay Thompson. He recorded his first solo album, Andy Williams Sings Steve Allen, eight years later, and remained active in the music industry for the next 56 years, completing 43 studio albums, alongside compilation albums and more.
Cadence started releasing singles in early 1953, with Julius LaRosa's "Anywhere I Wander." ArchieBleyer, the owner of the record label, used LaRosa's birth date (January 2, 1930) as the record number(1230) for his first issue. For almost the first year, all the Cadence singles were by LaRosa, and Bleyereven used the same series to put out a couple of Julius LaRosa's EPs. When it finally came time torelease a non-Julius LaRosa single in October, 1953, Bleyer started a new series with 1420, and issued"Foolish Waltz"/"Inca Dance" by harmonica virtuoso John Sebastian, whose son would found the Lovin'Spoonful a dozen years later. The 1320 series became the main series for singles, and the 1420 series was only used sporadically forthree singles over the next three years. In fact, by the time the 1320 series had reached 1420, the earlierissues were forgotten or ignored, and new singles with those numbers were issued. Bleyer later started a separate series for EP issues, the CEP-100 series, which lasted from 1957to 1961. The extended play 45 rpm (EP) was popular only from about 1955 to about 1961, and in someways was a passing fad, replaced by Jukebox 33 "little LPs" in the early 1960s. Cadence issued at leastthree of these jukebox 33s, but apparently passed up another of the late '50s-early '60s fads, the 45 rpmstereo single. They did issue a few stereo 33 singles, however.As far as stereo recordings were concerned, there was no single date that Cadence switched to stereorecordings, primarily because Bleyer recorded in a variety of studios in several cities, each with its ownequipment capabilities. We have tried to indicate with an asterisk (*) those single sides that have beenissued elsewhere -- mostly on LPs -- in true stereo. For a listing of where these songs have appeared instereo, please see the Cadence Album Discography. The first Cadence singles label was a red-orange with black print, with "Cadence..." at the top. This labelstarted with the first single, 1230, but by 1232, Bleyer had designed a new maroon label (see below).Not one to waste money, the label blank for the first label was used occasionally even after themaroon label was designed, and is known to have been used at least as late as the early pressings of"Hernando's Hideaway" on Cadence 1241. Early promotional versions of this first label (at right, above)were on white labels with black print. By the third single, 1232, Bleyer switched to a new label design. The early 78s were red with silver print,but the 45s were a maroon with silver print, both with "Cadence" on the bottom around theedge of the label. After 1232, the Cadence labels no longer had the drawing of Julius LaRosa at the top, even for LaRosa'ssingles. Instead, the artists' name was in large letters at the top of the label, and "Cadence" in very smallletters at the bottom. This design, maroon with silver print, was used for both 78s and 45s, andpromotional copies were issued with black print on a white label stock. This label continued to be useduntil some time between 1241 and 1247, when Cadence switched to the well-known "metronome label"described below. The third label was the "metronome label," featuring a silver top of the label with ametronome with the word "cadence" in maroon print. The bottom of the label was maroon with silverprint. From the start in 1953, Cadence issued both 78 rpm and 45 rpm singles. They issued 78s at leastuntil early 1959, as the Everly Brothers' "Take A Message To Mary"/"Poor Jenny" (Cadence 1364) isknown to exist on 78. Cadence used a variety of labels for