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Moonshot Book Club - PLCS Group

Public·35 PLCS Collaborators

Have you ever been hungry,

sitting down there numbly?

Have you ever felt desperate,

with no one to help it?

Even if you have not,

I'm sure you've been taught,

to help those in a knot.

But you shall never feel how it feels,

to go without any meals.

Millions of people each day,

struggle to keep the dark at bay.

They must fight and fight,

But it's all very trite.

At the end of the day,

they need you to aid.

Come and join the fray,

there's no need to be afraid.

Together, one band,

Forever, we stand.


PLCS stands for... P arents + L earners + C oaches + S up...

PLCS Collaborators

  • Harmony Plus
  • Adhvika Gour
    Adhvika Gour
  • Ridhima Desai
    Ridhima Desai
  • Saniya Thakre
    Saniya Thakre
  • Teju Sharma
    Teju Sharma
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