The queue had 10.000 people just sitting in WoW Classic SoD Gold the waiting room waiting for their login. Meanwhile, on giant soccer the other study, the longest queue that I've seen is 500. That's still an 500-person queue. It takes about half an hour, like almost half an hour, or 20 minutes perhaps. Also, 20 minutes wait time to soccer's join, but say five to six hour queues on tackle. So , this morning I decided to go ahead and have done a scan both on the technical as well as the online store here. We can now look at the amount of customers.
The basic idea is that this video here is a population check for the new rock service. It's possible that I'll do an update to this video in the near future, maybe in a week or so. We can then look at the population and how many people are quitting just before the wrath of God comes out. So I've conducted an image here, you can see this effectual as well as it's on Lions. You can check the time here It's 9:53am. My scans have been ongoing for two hours now. So I started the scan at 8am. It's now almost 10am.
Now. This is from 8am to 10am Sunday morning which means not a lot of people are playing. But we have 3718 students on our faculty have two things I want you guys to know here and to consider. In the beginning, we're studying the level of 60 and also the number of players who are at WoW SoD Gold level 60.